Most Unknown Computer Programming Language – BRAINF**K
Feeling Great while writing my 1`st article for, Hope you`ll like it…
Simply Speaking Programming language is method to command your computer, Presently there are many programming languages available, in which Java, C/C++ , HTML 5, PHP , are most widely used.
But today I am going to introduce you all to the most Uncommon , Unknown , and never heard programming language Named : BrainFuck…
So, Lets begin…
BrainFuck is an Esoteric Programming Language. Brainfuck consists of only Eight Simple Commands and an Instruction Pointer.
It was Created by Urban Muller in 1993, Just to Challenge Programmers. Brainfuck was not made for Practical Use.
Brainfuck was Created by Urban Muller with Intention of Creating Smallest Possible Compiler.
Here are the Eight Commands in BrainFuck :
- > – Increment the data pointer
- < – Decrement the data pointer
- + – Increment
- – – Decrement
- . – Output the Byte
- , – Accept Input of One Byte
- [ and ]
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